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  • BigD Gaming Affiliation Program
    BigD Gaming has a unique program of affiliating with like minded gaming clans & communities to help promote each other & to provide each other shared services. In return for active commitment to BigD Gaming, our affiliated groups receive advertising, game server perks such as reserved slot access, a say in the direction of games we host & support + access to other groups/streamers/content creators & networks.

    All enquires can be made by contacting BigD Management on our discord server via support ticket https://discord.gg/bigd 



    What is BigD? Why are we affiliated? What does it all mean?
    BigD aims foster an inclusive community for tactical FPS players, where teamwork, maturity and comradery comes first.
    The best battles are played on BigD - for both new and veteran players.

    Our affiliate program aims to provide a "home base" for communities that can grow and build their playerbase and clan, and in turn fosters the best environment in OCE for games.

    Basically, we want to provide you with all the perks of BigD's long-standing community, in return for your patronage, and a little of your time - when and if you can. But most of all, we want to unite all players, across clans, to have the best gaming experience together across OCE.


    So, what's in it for us, other than just whitelisting?
    BigD offers clans:

    • VIP Whitelisting

    Skip the queue for your members!

    • BigD server use for clan-run events

    Have something with your clan planned? Make sure you talk to us about how we can host it, support it and promote it!

    • BigD Media Team opportunities

    Are you a streamer or content creator? Get access to in-game tools as well as our market reach and exposure!

    • More stuff on the horizon, to be rolled out soon, including:

    Merchandise, clan promotions, potential affiliate discounts with businesses, affiliate-only game servers (for training etc)

    Basically, we want to use our power to help your clan be AWESOME!


    So, what do we have to do then?
    What we ask of Affiliates

    • BigD servers are your servers.

    They're your home. We hope you play on them predominantly, and your feedback and ideas are welcomed!

    • Server seeding

    If you can help - we love any help we can get kicking our servers off. Even if it's AFK. It's not mandatory, and never will be. But if you are in the position to help your comrades out, we thank you, and many hands make light work.

    • Admin Volunteering

    Want to help keep things running along nicely in our Discord or game servers? Many hands make light work and any help is really appreciated!

    • Branding

    If you create content, some secondary BigD branding (we never want you to lose or replace YOUR identity) is an awesome shout-out

    • Keep just being awesome.

    Be the players that inspired you to keep playing. Inspire and teach new players, be the cool voice of reason, be the veterans you aspired to as a younger player


    Finally - some brief T&Cs

    • BigD aims to provide a safe, supportive and inclusive place for everyone and to do everything we can to support our affiliates. In the end, BigD is just a group of affiliates.
    • We ask that all affiliates uphold the standards of the BigD CoC and we will always do the same.
    • We ask all affiliates to 'take the high road' where possible, and don't be like every other toxic place on the internet.
    • If you have questions - please reach out to your clan leader, or a Community Manager. We represent you, and are here for you.
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