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    9 articles in this category

    NEW BigD Website, your Whitelisting & Donations

    NEW BigD Website, your Whitelisting & Donations

    BigD Gaming in the past few days has successfully undertaken a change of core software that powers our website, along with changing to our short url, BigD.com.au Your website account has been imported across, which is good news as it means you can login with the same username/email & password as before. Unfortunately if you had Server Queue Skip (whitelisting) setup as an affiliated clan member or a donator, your steam and discord profiles did not import across due to the nature of



    Lest We Forget

    Lest We Forget

    "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them."   lest we forget.



    BigD Gaming Media

    BigD Gaming Media

    Hello BigD Community!  Today we are going to be sharing with you everything to do with BigD Media. We will be sharing where it all began, who is behind the helm and what the rest of 2023 loos like for us in the media team. Where It All Began:   Caste your mind way back to April 28th 2014, BigD Youtube launched it's very first video with the launch of its official trailer. This was the era when BigD hosted games such as Arma 2, Arma 3, Project Reality and DayZ.



    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2023

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2023

    As we bid farewell to 2023, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every member who makes our gaming community truly extraordinary. This year has been marked by incredible achievements and exciting developments: SQUAD Server Revival: Our SQUAD server has been reborn, thanks to a dedicated admin team. Dive into the action here. Hell Let Loose Excellence: Hell Let Loose continues to thrive as a community mainstay. We've added some technical magic to e



    Re-Purpose is Shooting for GOLD!

    Re-Purpose is Shooting for GOLD!

    BigD Gaming is thrilled to promote our very own @Re-Purpose - our top hacker hunter on our Hell Let Loose servers' journey to be selected for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games!   @Re-Purposeis a talented shooter, currently holding the 2023 Commonwealth Title in ISSF Skeet, and having been a member of the Shooting Australia National Squad for the past few years.   Join us by visiting https://asf.org.au/projects/brittany-melbourne/training--travel-for-paris-selection to contribute to the 



    BigD Footy Tipping

    BigD Footy Tipping

    Autumn is on the way which means only One thing - the Footy is back on!   No matter if you're an AFL or NRL fan, BigD has you covered in 2024 with Footy Tipping launching for our community covering BOTH codes! The Tipping competition is open to register from today - signup fast as the Top 3 of each footy code will receive prizes at the conclusion of the regular season.   Signup Link: https://www.footytips.com.au/comps/BigD_Footy_Tipping?p=clickBOOM   Prizes wil



    Lest We Forget

    Lest We Forget

    "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them."   lest we forget.



    The Year That Was 2024 - #wrapped

    The Year That Was 2024 - #wrapped

    What a year 2024 has been at BigD Gaming! We have seen our media channels thrive, our Discord grow, and expansions in games across almost every genre. 2024 was packed with excitement and amazing people. So let’s look back at 2024 and relive the year that was at BigD Gaming.   Our Discord The BigD Discord at the start of 2024 was 6,700 strong! Over the course of the year, we have seen massive growth, and as the year ends, we now boast a staggering 9,100+ members! This influx o



    $1 Server Queue Skip

    $1 Server Queue Skip

    Welcome to 2025 - we want more people to experience the handy perk of Server Queue Skip, so BigD Gaming is giving everyone the opportunity to take up $1 Server Queue Skip for 15 days. Head over to: https://www.bigd.com.au/subscriptions/ to signup   For when your $1 donation offer expires, you have the following options to continue receiving Server Queue Skip: - Donate to BigD Gaming - by continuing on with the usual donation subscription, Server Queue Skip will remain in effe



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